Help Identify Spiders and More
If you are reading the comments and know what type of spider bite, a visitor has, please feel free to help.
Warning: Some of these pictures may show a scary spider or a bite that has become infected and could be considered disturbing to some, so if you don’t like the sight of rotted skin or exposed bone, this may not be for you. However, it does drive home the importance of seeking medical attention before it’s too late!
Have pictures and a story you would like to share? We would happily review and display them if you upload them here.
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This morning, while I was sleeping, a spider bit me. Now I have a big rash on one of my cheeks and my lips and around my eyes is very itchy and kind of burning. I have taken some benadryl and some aspirin. I was just wondering if these are common spider bite symptoms or if I have anything to worry about.
A couple of days ago I woke with what felt like tinea between my two left toes. Having been at the gym the day before, I figured that’s what it was so put some cream on it. By the end of the day it was really really itchy but I persevered. When I woke the next morning the area around my two toes was quite swollen, and a rash had appeared on my lower leg also. Again I persevered until late that day, by which time I also had a pain in my groin and my chest felt tight/painful. I decided to go to the doctor that evening – she diagnosed a spider bite & prescribed antibiotics. I have no idea what type of spider got me. Today, day #3, the swelling in my foot is reducing but I still have lots of itching, the rash remains on my lower leg as does the pain in my groin (doc said it was swollen lymph nodes). My foot now has a bruise on it the size of an orange. I live in Melbourne, Australia. No idea what bit me, but I’d like to know.
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So last night I was bit by something. It immediately started to burn/sting then it looked like a mosquito bite. The next morning I woke up to this large red/swollen splotch on my arm that was very hot to the touch. I went to the dr. and they stated it looked like an allergenic reaction and gave me medication but the spot is getting larger by the hour and I’ve been tracking it with pen outline. It doesn’t hurt contently but every so often I will get a burning/stinging sensation. I’m wondering if this is something more serious. (I don’t know how to attach a picture.)
I also need to add that the three red spots were itching really bad. Today, as i looked down to where the three red dots were, i noticed that it now turned back to the color red and it looks like holes in my skin……. if anyone has this going on with them i would be grateful if you told me and we figure out together. THANKS!!!!!
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My two girls have what appears to be white head pimples around the side of their stomachs and a few on their legs. It hurts the girls to even slightly touch it. We can not find any big spiders but we do have a few babies and some Asian lady bugs. Could either of these have bitten and caused these type of reactions?
Thank you.
Last night I was lying in my bed when i felt a sharp stinging sensation on my toe, similar to a bee sting. I looked it over and at two locations it kind of felt like i had small shivers of glass in it but i couldn’t see anything. This morning i woke up and my toe was swollen red and very tender, i also found the white fang marks which are about a cm apart . It hurts to walk on it. It’s been about 12 hours since i was bitten. I’m feeling very nauseous which i think is due to the bite. Does anyone know what type of spider bite this could be?
I believe I was bitten by a spider because yesterday I saw a spider in my room. It was a white almost clear. I screamed and told my friends to kill it and he did. Today I woke up and my arm felt kind sore when I move it around to much so I looked at it and my skin looked as if it was peeling off so I pulled it off and noticed a small bump (smaller than a penny) and a small narrow line imprinted inside of the bump. I started thinking maybe there were two spiders in my room that night.
Out of curiosity I have been trying to figure out what kind of spider bit me several years ago. I was bitten in my college dorm and the college is located in south central PA. I received the bite during the night in October of 2003 on my heel just below my inner ankle bone. When I woke up and discovered the bite, it appeared to have 2 red dots which I assumed was where I was actually bitten. Around the dots the skin was red and inflamed and as the hours/days went by the inflammation grew. Eventually it had a diameter of 2-3 inches and was red and had puss in it. The bite also itched like crazy and I would find myself trying not to scratch it frequently. As for physical body symptoms, I can’t be sure. That semester, I was severely sleep deprived and my muscles tend to get tight and cramp when I’m sleep deprived. As for a fever, unless I get a fever of above 102 I don’t really pay much attention. I do vaguely recall some shortness of breath, but I am not the most in shape person. The bite lasted several months, and I never had anyone look at it because I was too busy to make an appointment at the health center.
I have been trying to find pictures that look like my bite but mostly I find brown recluse bites and I didn’t have tissue necrosis so I have ruled that type out. I am hesitant to attribute my physical symptoms to the bite because I don’t like jumping to the worst conclusion, usually the explanation is far tamer. But the symptoms could go either way so I figured I would include them in the description as I can’t rule them out.
If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate them.
Yesterday I woke up and noticed a bruise looking thing on my left forearm. It has a small bump in the middle of it and it hurts to touch. I have absolutely no clue what it is. My friend told me it might be a spider bite.
Hello, i live in Texas. This morning (Sunday) I woke up to a pain on my stomach several inches from the belly button. It looks like a pimple/mosquito bite and it has a little head full of puss. Every time I poke it, it hurts really bad. So I popped the head of it with a needle and a lot of puss and white stuff came out. It still hurts. anyone please help. Is it a spider bite? mosquito? pimple? help!
SAMANTHA! I think you have shingles! Looks exactly like what I had. Look it up it should explain more.
About a week ago I awakened to find a huge bruise on my right forearm (about the size of a baseball) that had a large raised bump in the very center that was reddish-white & hard. It was slightly tender to the touch (and trust me, I’m a huge weenie) but didn’t bother me other than the ugliness, so I ignored it & went about my life. I certainly didn’t remember hitting my arm hard enough to make such a bruise, much less a bump to accompany it. Day after tomorrow I will be 58 years old and am in excellent health.
Now, a week later, the bruise is still just as dark & just as big, as is the bump. At the advice of a friend, I searched the internet extensively & have found absolutely nothing that resembles this, here or on any other website. I’ve had no pain and because of my apparent *ape woman* hairy arms, I could not see any fang marks that would be typical of a spider or insect bites. So, I just wore long sleeves & forgot about it. My hubby & friends have been horrified by the way it looks & have urged me to go to the doctor so I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow.
However, I then remembered I bought of couple of Brown Recluse first aid kits (which actually works on any spider bite) a couple of years ago, so I located it, followed the directions, and have been using it for 2 days now. Finally, this afternoon (while changing my dressing & bandage) I could at last see the two fang marks & noticed that the bump isn’t as hard, but all the bruising with white/red center are still fully present. Needless to say, I haven’t had a good night’s sleep ever since, certain that there is something lurking in our bedroom that prefers biting me, to my hubby. Go. Figure.
At any rate, I live in West Texas, where brown recluses & black widows are in abundance. Every spider I find is potentially a deadly spider, which always cracks the hubby up. He’s no longer laughing. Apparently, everyone else seems to think that the bruising is a sign of necrosis, which I’m praying is not the case. Unfortunately, the alternative diseases aren’t comforting in the least either, so I’m taking the Scarlett O’Hara attitude at this point. You know. “I’ll worry about it tomorrow.”
Since I cannot figure out how to post a picture here, you can view the pictures of my forearm on my blog which is located at snootyprimadona.blogspot (dot.) com/2010/10/arachnophobia-personified.html. If anyone has an idea or a clue, please feel free to leave me a comment on the blog.
Additionally, I’ll be sure to leave a post tomorrow after my doctor’s appointment, whether he has an answer or not (which I seriously doubt he will). Let’s face it, doctors do not know everything and they don’t believe in herbal remedies, which I most certainly do. It’s an ongoing argument I have with my GP, and will continue to have as long as the herbals work better for me than the drugs they push. I’m just sayin’…..
If possible go to doctor to check to make sure it is in fact some sort of insect bite. MRSA looks very much like that and becomes hard to touch and painful. You can wet a cotton ball with alcohol and secure on top of the area with tape or something and let it stay there overnight.
So i woke up one day and on my right hand, near the bottom of my index finger, there were(are) three, not too big, reddish(pink) circles. They weren’t as red(pink), but it’s been a few days and they are more obvious. So the three circles are pretty much lined up. The first one, on the right is the biggest, and as of today I think I see… two little white dots in it? The middle one is the smallest, and only the red-pink color. The last one, to the left well… so this one has like two small circles in the big one. Like they are two separate ones, but they are very close.
I have not been able to find a picture for this. I live in virginia, and im freaked out. I’m 17, and would REALLY appreciate help, because it hurts whenever something rubs against it, but it doesn’t itch or anything. What did this? I was guessing spider, but i’m not so sure anymore
I first noticed this bite yesterday..was just a red bump a little smaller than a dime. This morning I noticed a ring around the bump about the size of a half dollar. In the past couple of hours the space between the bump and ring has filled in and area is getting irritated. Spider bite…tick bite? Anyone know what this is?
Thanks – C
What bit me?
So I went to the dermatologist a week ago and said it was only a bug bite. They prescribed me ‘fluocinonide’ to help clear it up by the end of last week. It used to be big patch with what the doctor said was blisters on it. It’s no longer patchy and flaky, but the blisters are still there and so is the big original bite which is starting to scab and is slightly green. It all itches still. But is this okay? Or should I seek more medical help? Help!!
You should consult a health professional. You should have from the start. It may just be that you have a stronger allergic reaction to the bite, but better safe than sorry, especially when you have a small child in the home. I hope you’re feeling better.
My daughter is 2 Months and she got bitten by a spider and it also looks like what your saying it happened yesterday there is a few dots else where but i just figured the bites haven’t swelled up yet is this how your child’s started? and did u find out any information about it? what other symptoms did your child get?
well i dont have the answer but i found a similar bit on my chest area right under the nipple so i didn’t notice it tell the the scab had fallen off and it dosent hurt it is a little itchy but i figured it didn’t hurt and i didn’t feel it happen cause off the spot it is in and its my first bit i was wondering what happened to yours? it didn’t puss a lot but it has a little. what should i do?
Hello I would really happy if you could answer my question. One morning i woke up and noticed that on my left leg near my knee i had these three small red bumps in a shape of a triangle. A few days later i noticed that it was starting to turn purple and are getting bumpier like it’s getting irritated. Can you please help me find out what bit me? thank you so much,
I have the exact same thing as you, and am in the same situation. Please let me know what they say if you do end up going to the doctor.
I almost forgot… me and my mom went out and bought ugly fruit and put tin foil under it (since it’s worked in my family for generations) or at least that’s what my mom says… :P and some symptoms i get are; chills, swollen lymph glands (hard to swallow), itching, stinging (usually only lasts like an hour after i wake up with it), stomach pains, light-headed feeling, nausea, and my thighs, legs, and feet hurt even when im sitting down.
i recently over the past few weeks have received about 10 bites that appear to be spider bites. Last nite; i got bit on my bottom lip on the inner side and it’s a whitish color with a little swelling and redness around it and im pretty sure it’s from a spider since it has 2 puncture marks. I didn’t think much of the bites till i started getting lots of them. Another was on my right upper thigh the next day it was reali itchy, swollen, and red. I only receive them while im sleeping.
I washed my blankets and sheets in case it was in my bed and i moved around my bed and vacuumed beneath it and in my vents just in case. I plan on washing some clothes that i left out too (just in case.) After that it stopped for a couple days and then started again with the bite on my lip. I searched for a while on different spiders trying 2 identify it. If it helps i live in Wisconsin so that rules out the most dangerous ones. And i also searched on bed bugs, kissing bugs, etc. to see if that was what it was. I’m not 2 concerned, I just want to make sure it’s not harming me and id really like 2 get rid of what it is
I got two bites Sept 25 that look like yours and are about the same distance apart. they got infected and still hurt 10/16 saw a Doctor and have antibiotic cream. when the scab comes up it comes off with puss under it. did you ever identify what bit you? I live in Louisiana. Thanks
you should still see the doctor because of the one bite and to make sure you didn’t get an infection from them before you popped them.
yeah! my friend has like the same thing, and when she popped it, a lot of puss came out. did that happen to yours?
I have the Exact same thing…I think…if you find anything out send me an email please?? Mine’s itchy too… its Nicole121087 [at]
Hi there,
My son was bitten by a quarter sized brown spider while at a friend’s house over the weekend. Unfortunately we were not able to identify the spider.
He has a spider bite no doubt and it’s typical of a spider bite with redness and swelling of about the size of a silver dollar.
On Sunday, he was vomiting, had a minor fever and most importantly, was red all over his body.
We took him to the ER. Since he was not suffering with respitory problems, they did not admit him but insisted on him being watched.
Yesterday, he was still red all over (like he’s been at the beach) and itching like mad. He’s due back to the doc today, but quite frankly they are in guess mode right now of just going through the motions. Thankfully, there’s not blood in his urine but the redness has us worried.
Have you ever heard of a symptom similar to this?
Concerned parent.
Anyone who has a bite that is very painful and full of pus please go to the doctors right away! It could be a bite from a brown recluse which is very dangerous.
I have two bumps on my left hand, right by the crease between my thumb and my index finger, one a little bit bigger than the other. The bites aren’t abnormal, just two little bumps, but the surrounding area is red, probably from me itching it so much because it is extremely itchy. The area is also swollen. Does anyone know what bit me?
Hi, I woke up a few days ago and I have 8 bites on my thighs (4 on each) and 2 on my chest. They got pretty swollen like the size of a quarter to a dollar sized coins and are also red with white heads on the top with a black dot in the middle. It hurts to even lay on them but then I decided to pop all but one (because it wouldn’t) and the pus was a mucusy color and then it looked like I had a needle sized hole later and doesn’t hurt as much and the swelling went down. What’s weird is my husband and baby were both sleeping in the same bed as me and they don’t have not a one bug bite. (Also, my husband searched our room and did kill a spider that he believes was a jumping spider or wolf spider) do you think it was one of these spiders and should I still go to the doctor?
i had a spider bite about 6 inches above my knee. I’ve had them before so it was no big deal. It went away leaving a tiny harmless scar that was slowly fading away. Now 3 months later it reappeared more swollen then before. Around the bite is purple about the size of a pea and surrounding that is redness the size of a quarter. No other symptoms or sicknesses in my body. its tender to the touch and whenever I stand I can feel it cutting off some circulation in my leg. Any ideas what to put on it or treat it with?
I was bit on Sunday today is Friday. Last night I noticed a red bruise like around the bite area which was bitten 5 days ago. could this be a brown recluse spider? I did not see the spider, because I was sleeping when it happened. the width of the bite measures 1/16′; so I have not been experiencing any pain or other symptoms. I hope that im not starting to get tissue nircosis. Please give me any thoughts. I dont want to see a doctor unless I really have to because I don’t have any insurance for myself. Does bites normally bruise???
Hi, This is what I pasted what you wrote on the article. I go to school in Chicago and I have been to like North Carlina once, Florida and I never seems to have a problem with Spider bites like everyone says here. Where in Chicago do u live in? Because also people have said they got bit in Ohio but I never experienced any big scary spiders in my basement except small ones and I would of seen big wolf spiders if I did. But I am confused on why I feel like and seem to be the lucky person here. Can you please fill me in that would be great. I HATE SPIDERS WITH A PASSION! They are evil.
#80. May 19th, 2007, at 3:35 PM.
I live in Chicago, Ill and I got bit by a spider on my leg while I was asleep. It is red around the black middle in which the skin is raised up. Blood is coming out of the bite marks.
Yesterday afternoon something bit me on my leg while I was in a field behind my apartment.. I live in Asheville, North Carolina. Well, when I got bit, it stung and burned and I didn’t find relief until I put ointment on it. After it happened, I felt as though my leg was swelling, like a hurt my muscles.. Last night it itched a lot, and itches a lot today. Today when I took a shower, I noticed the bite, which started off as a small red dot, is now not as red and my leg is swollen a few inches and is very uncomfortable even when i sit Indian-style. It also looks as though my skin is turning orange, like it’s bruising… Can someone please help me? Should I go see a doctor? I’m getting very worried when yesterday I wasn’t…
Hello, I was bitten on my feet. One spot on my left ankle has developed a large red patch around the bite. Maybe 4″ wide by 2″ tall. The center is not as red as the outside. It’s not really raised up, just very itchy. I have another bite spot on my Achilles tendon area that is dime sized and just as red and swollen. And yet another spot on my right foot between 2 toes, maybe a quarter in size. Not raised but itchy as well. I was thinking chiggers but from the pictures I have seen it does not match. Its does not look like small bumps, just but red spots. All the time I have been working outside I have had socks on and these spots are under the sock area.
I think I was bitten by a spider it blistered, then I scratched it broke the skin and it looks like a burn. I was bitten twice it looks round then
it is long and narrow, it has been there for 4 or more days. Like Betty.
I get the itching and nothing there.
hello my name is krystalo and i live in Indiana and i got bit by a spider 2 days ago and this is the first time i have ever been bitten by a spider and i freaked out cuz u know what happens when u do. well i went to the er and got checked out and the nurse said it wasnt a spider bite it was something else so the doctor took one look at it and said it was a spider bite. and the pain is so excruciating i can barley stand. it has a big red circle around it and pain shooting through my whole arm. so if you coule please help me figure out what kind it was let me know
I’m really freaked out about this right now! I live in Pennsylvania, and have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, but any information now would help me.
They’re very painful, even when walking I can feel them. Appeared maybe Thursday or Friday, today is Monday. At first they looked just like a two pimples on my lower leg, then they white-headed and now they look like this. It’s really hard underneath the bad one, and really really red. About half of my lower leg is pinkish too, can’t really tell that from the picture.
I didn’t see any spider, didn’t even feel anything. But I’m really really worried and freaked out! Please help me identify this!
I was on my front porch and my son hugged my leg it was right at that place I felt like something was biting me, but found nothing. At first it just showed a little pin hole. I didn’t think much of it, but as time went on I noticed swelling, numbness and some bruises. It also seemed to be traveling up from my leg area to my hip area. When I felt the numbness and the fact that is seemed to be traveling, that is when I didn’t mess around and decided to see a doctor. I was put on antibiotics and antibiotic cream as well. It took a while for the symptoms to go away, specially the strange numbing feeling even after I had finished my antibiotics. I would like to have some kind of idea what kind of spider/insect that bit me. Thank you for your advice!
About 8 days ago I woke up with an itch in between my eye and my eye brow. I thought nothing of it and about two days later it was really itchy, red, and looked like clear/white bumps in the area. I thought it would just go away until about two days ago it started getting really purple and then today its a really dark purple and almost the whole area where it use to be red. It sometimes throbs and itches. Is it serious? Thanks.
Two of my dogs got bit by what we think is a spider.
We noticed a large lump that was covered in a white scab with lots of little black dots all over it. The bite was larger than a pea but smaller than a gumball.
After the scab came off, the dogs are still bald in those spots.
One of the dogs developed hives after being bitten. We are in the Los Angeles area.
Any guesses? We’d like to know what to watch out for.
I have this spider bitten or whatever this is, I was itching my leg last night outside, just thinking a mosquito had bitten me, thats why i was itching it so much. This morning around 11. I woke up looking at myself in the mirror noticing this red circle, Its so hard there’s a center to the bite. It hurts it almost feels like a muscle ache or a really bad bruise. I have another one by my foot, and its smaller, but when i took my shoe off, I had seen my whole ankle is all swelled up& it hurts. IDK what has bitten me, cant figure out some spider bites kinda look the same when Ive looked at pics. but I’m not sure if thats what it is?…..anyone’s advice, if you’ve had something like this. I need to know if this is gonna go away on its own or what I should do? Thanks [:
Hello I’m not sure what it is but my heel is really red and twice as big as my other heel and there is a little red bump on my outside of the heel.. But it hurts to walk on it and hurts to also push on it…but I also through ip the morning and didn’t think any of it until now! Could this be a spider bite or something else I could send pictures upon request.. Please respond as soon as possible.. But also my sister is allergic to all spiders so that’s a questions also.
I meant to add that, What I’m wondering is if any of these symptoms are familiar to anyone who could identify whether they are serious or not?
My dad has had some sort of bite on his outer-right thigh, about an inch higher than the knee. Today he’s been having has been experiencing pain in his knee and calf muscle area. Now he has these red spots on top of his foot and say’s that his lower leg, from ankle up to his knee is in pain, especially when he walks.
I was bit by a spider on my inner labia major, I went to the walk in as my Dr. was gone. I believe the bite occurred about 48 hours ago. There was soreness and stinging but I was assuming I had an abrasion of some sort. The pain increased and I tried to get an appt. with my gynecologist but couldn’t be seen for 2 more days. Upon inspection with a mirror I could see two puncture marks with a lesion under them, I went to the walk in. The Dr. confirmed the puncture marks looking like a spider bite and the lesion. She went to look up spider bites and said she didn’t feel it was a serious bite from what she found, but is hard to tell due to the nature of the tissue where the bite is. She gave me lidocaine gel for the pain and told me to follow up with my Dr. if the lesion got bigger.
I am a bit horrified at the thought of necrotizing tissue in this area. The fang marks are pretty clearly seen, and the lesion is directly next to the fang marks. The lesion is white in the center and maybe a 2 cm wide.
Any thoughts on what type of spider could cause this in the New England area?? I am just beginning to feel like I am getting a headache and I am not wanting to eat and have shaky hands. But I am a little unsure if this is just my anxiety!
Thank you.
I got bit by what everyone thinks is a spider. I did not see it but felt it, it kind of felt like a thorn pricking me on my right pointer finger right on the knuckle. It looked like a mosquito bite but later that night my knuckle got all puffed up. It has been puffed up for the past few days which doesn’t take a mosquito bite that long to heal. It also itches and burns sometimes when I scratch it. Anyone got any ideas? I live in Central PA by the way